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Asset Management Partner Biomass

Eemshaven, Nederland


Full Time


As an Asset Management Partner, you'll play a crucial role in implementing asset management strategies for our biomass assets. Your responsibilities include translating RWE's overarching strategy into actionable goals, ensuring effective risk management and asset planning, and contributing to the long-term value of our portfolio. You'll be a key link between achieving current targets and setting the stage for future success, fostering collaboration between Operations, Engineering, and the Strategy, Risk & Planning team. 


Your contributions to our goals:

  • Drive the implementation of asset management strategies for biomass assets, aligning them with RWE's overall strategy;

  • Actively contribute to the continuous improvement of our work processes and asset management systems;

  • Serve as a senior interface between Asset Management, Operations, and Engineering, promoting seamless cooperation;

  • Lead long-term planning efforts for the asset, ensuring strategic processes are of high quality and delivered on time; 

  • Implement end-to-end risk management for specific assets in line with RWE's governance and guidelines;

  • Provide ongoing direction on key asset value drivers, aligning with strategic targets.  

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Your profile 

  • Energy Sector Leadership: Substantial experience in Asset Management roles, overseeing larger assets, and managing extensive projects;

  • Risk Management Mastery: Proficient in enterprise/commercial and asset-level risk management;

  • University degree in Business / Industrial Management or equivalent; 

  • Strong communication skills and safe behavior at all levels; 

  • Strong focus on structure and processes, enabling sustainable long-term improvements; 

  • Striving to improve business results internationally; 

  • Commitment to the team, focus on fostering teamwork & good interpersonal skills; 

  • Demonstrated complex thinking skills, including both analytical and conceptual skills; 

  • Strong capabilities in interacting with international and culturally diverse teams; 

  • High professional competence in power plant commercialization, Engineering & Maintenance (E&M) delivery, including outage planning and delivery. 



  • Willingness to travel; 

  • Business fluent in English and Dutch  


What we offer you:  

  • Salary range between €7000 and €10.000 per month; 

  • A Bonus is Applicable;  

  • ABP Pension; 

  • Flexible and dynamic environment to work together within an ambitious & diverse team; 

  • An exciting, varied, and challenging role; 

  • Close interaction with the other departments within the RWE group; 

  • Great opportunities to learn and develop during your career. 

Over de organisatie

RWE staat voor verandering, innovatiekracht en duurzaamheid. Als een van 's werelds grootste elektriciteitsproducenten uit duurzame energie willen wij in 2040 klimaatneutraal zijn en de wereld in staat stellen duurzaam te leven. Hiervoor zoeken wij doeners die samen met ons een duurzame en zekere energietoekomst willen creëren.

Met centrales in Duitsland, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Nederland produceren de ongeveer 3.000 medewerkers van RWE Generation voornamelijk elektriciteit uit gas, waterkracht en biomassa. Met onze gasgestookte centrales nemen wij de tweede plaats in Europa in. Een uitstekende uitgangspositie, want gas wordt steeds belangrijker. Ook met waterkracht zijn we in veel markten vertegenwoordigd. Het RWE-concern bundelt zijn waterstofactiviteiten in RWE Generation.

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